CORN is a web server for discovering potential treatments and transcriptional regulatory mechanisms with the collection of large amounts of condition based transcriptional regulatory sub-networks (TRSNs). By linking and curating specific conditions to responsive TRNs,the scientific community can now perceive how TRNs are altered and controlled by conditions alone in an organized manner.
CORN offers a library of condition (small molecules/drug treatments and gene knockdowns)-based TRSNs, which can be searched by concerning condition, target gene or transcription factor. The resulting condition-associated TRSN page shows a vast amount of information including chemical information of the drug/molecule, the TF responsible for the regulation of the network, genes regulated, vector and fold change of such regulation as well as a TRSN diagram.
By inputting differential expression profile of interest, our web tool will match condition-associated TRSNs with similar gene alterations by the sparse learning model. Therefore, matched TRSNs reveal the process of gene regulation, and the TRSN-associated small molecules or drugs that induce such gene alterations can be considered as potential treatments that can modify the input transcriptomic alterations.
Leung, R. W. T, Jiang, X, Zong, ., Zhang, Y, Hu, X., Hu, Y, & Qin,J.(2022).CORN-Condition Orientated Regulatory Networks: bridging conditions to gene networks. Briefings in bioinformatics, 23(6), bbac402>